Assalamua'laikum everyone! May all of you in good health and always take care of your mental and physical well being. For today I want to share with you guys about the project that I do for Usrah Budi 4 (CCUB 4621) which is the sharing session on a topic that my group presents which is "Daily Sunnah". Our sharing session on Google Meet 😆 I want to share about this topic to you guys as some of you might not have the chance to join the sharing session done by my group. Some might thought that this is simple as we as Muslim frequently heard about sunnah in our lives. The reasons why we choose this topic is to remind the Muslim about the sunnah which some of us might forget about it or ignorant about it because we thought that we know all about it. Beside that, we also want to motivate participants to practice daily sunnah. CONTRIBUTIONS ON THIS PROJECT Well, this is not for me to show off on what I've done in this project but as I'm required to share about my co...