Asslamualaikum everyone.

For my usrah session, in pair, we were asked to make an infographic about a certain topic that we choose. I team up with my friend, Hasreen and both of us choose to make an infographic tittle “Sunnah in Everyday Life”. For the infographic, both of us choose to do it in manual way, which is using our hands fully. 

This is the infographic that we make😁

As you can see above, the drawing part was draw by Hasreen. She is really a talented girl as she can draw something so beautifully. As for me who didn’t know how to draw, I write the points that we’ve found about our topic. There are tons of sunnah that we can follow, but we just choose simple sunnah that we can apply in our everyday life.

The simplest sunnah is smile, just smile whenever you see a person, and you will be reward. Simple right? We can also practice started anything that we do such as wearing shoes on right side first. When we want to eat, we were advice to eat with right hand and take the nearest dishes. This is also showed our politeness in eating manner. Other than that, one of the simple sunnah and always practiced by Rasulullah S.A.W was giving salam whenever we meet anyone as it can strengthen the ukuwah between people. I also have to do dakwah challenge which we have to give salam to strangers that we meet. To read more about this, you can click on this link

Image result for hadith about smile
Don't forget to smile😊


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