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Assalamualaikum and anyyeongg yeorobun.

In one of usrah session, we were asked to do dakwah challenge by our naqibah, sis Shahirah. Dakwah challenge is quite simple as we just need to give salam to strangers that we meet. For an introvert girl like me, it is quite difficult to suddenly talk to people. I tried, and I did it *yeayy.

 At first, I become hesitant to give salam to people as people might thought that I’m weird and awkward. But this thought suddenly come across my mind ‘why do you have to feel weird doing one of the sunnah?’ and I become like zupppp, that really goes deep into my heart. I mean, we should feel proud instead of shame, right? Because we’re doing one of things that Prophet Muhammad S.A.W always do whenever he met people.

Why I must feel awkward just to give salam? I think my surrounding, my community really play a big role in spreading salam. As for me who grew up in an environment which people rarely give salam to one another, I might find it quite hard to do it. But for those who already been accustomed with it, they may say it is easy to give salam to anyone.

The lesson that I can learn by doing this challenge is I need to try doing something that I never try (something good only laa), even me myself might fear what people thought about me. After all, it is not wrong doing a sunnah right? At first, it might feel weird give salam to strangers, but then remember, all of us are strangers at the first place. But we can become friends. So why not we start spread salam as it also one of the ways to make friend and for us to gain reward from Allah.

So yeorobun, let’s make spreading salam as part of our daily routine. 

Till we meet again, assalamualaikum 🙌.


  1. good job sister. make it as a habit in your daily life :)


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